AGM 2024

Raglan Club AGM 2024

Will be 1pm Sunday 28 July 2024 in the Clubrooms at 22 Bow Street Raglan

2024 Performance Report

Presidents Report

Treasurers Report

Nomination Form for Committee

Order of Business

Minutes of 2023 AGM

Proposed Constitution

Notice of Motion to reregister under the new incorporated societies Act

Notice of Motion to adopt the new constitution under the new incorporated societies Act

The Incorporated Societies Act 1908 has been replaced by a new Incorporated Societies Act 2022.  All societies are required to re-register under this new Act before April 2026. The new Act has a lot more requirements for the Constitution and responsibilities for Committee members.

ClubsNZ have put together a model constitution that has been approved by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA). They are recommending all Clubs adopt this constitution to save a lengthy back and forth with the DIA getting current constitutions compliant.

We have taken this model and added some of the things that are specific to our constitution. Because this is a legal document and all members are required to abide by its rules, it needs to be passed at a General Meeting of Members. We are proposing to pass it at this years AGM on 28 July 2024 and then re-register the Raglan Club as an incorporated Society.

Attached is the proposed constitution. It’s a little different to our current one so please look it over and provide feedback. A summary of changes we specifically want your feedback on are below and they are highlighted yellow on the proposed constitution. We will arrange a few days in July to get together for us to discuss, but please approach any committee member in the meantime.

Please email with feedback or suggestions


  • Doesn’t require it to go on the noticeboard or have a stand down period.
  • On filling in the form, a new person becomes a member and goes in the draws
  • Committee can revoke it within 90 days if they have provided false information, have breached the clubs constitution or there is an objection.
  • Junior membership is new but we’ve had it before
  • Seasonal membership is not renewable
  • corporate membership doesnt allow them to hold office or attend general meetings
  • Employee membership – can’t speak or vote at General meetings. when they stop being an employee they revert to ordinary membership. the committee can restrict them from participating in promotions while on duty.

Subscriptions will be determined by the committee not at the AGM

Appeals committee, slightly different wording it is changed from our current 5 members, 3 elected at the AGM to saying between 3 and 6 members, elected from the AGM or committee.


  • We allow between 4 and 6 committee members
    • Committee’s are being kept small these days for efficiency
    • We need enough committee members to eventually fill the positions
  • ClubsNZ have suggested that committee members should not be a close relation of an employee of the Club. This is because the committee employs all staff and is responsible for all staff.
    • This is a conflict of interest, so can potentially result in privacy or other issues
    • Is Raglan a big enough place to restrict the people who can be on the committee?
    • Will the rules around conflict of interest be protective enough?
  • Committee members have to have been a member of the Club for 12 months we currently say 2 years
  • ClubsNZ suggest position holders (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) need to have to have been on the committee already for 12 months and a club member for 2 years – we currently say only the president needs to have been elected to the committee for a year. This restricts all position holders to being elected from committee members.
  • New law says the term of office needs to be defined. We are changing from have 2 step down each year to saying that committee members stay in office for 2 years
  • The election shall be on the date of AGM or within 10 days after it. This allows for elections to be a quick vote at the AGM.

13.6 removal from office

  • ClubsNZ have inserted a removal from office section to allow the committee to remove a committee member
  • on receipt of a notice of motion of no confidence signed by 10% of total membership or 50 members – Is 10% too many? Membership is generally between 600 and 1000.


  • Section 5 applied to the Club, not the committee
  • Powers of club are given to committee. We’ve suggested the restrictions in section 13.8 that are from our current constitution
  • expenditure restricted to $60,000 up from $50,000 unless going to a Special meeting
  • to sell lease, give away etc club property up to the value of $15,000 (up from $300) unless going to a general meeting. This allows us to sell on trademe property no longer required

There is now an interests register

  • anyone with an interest can’t vote in relation to the matter
  • the committee can decide if they can still take part in discussions


  • The auditor is appointed by the committee not at the AGM. This is because they have already audited the financial statements and may not be in business the following year.
  • We have that participation must be in person not via a remote method

Special General meetings

  • can be called by members petition with 50 signatures or 10% of membership – currently it’s 50 members. Is 10% too many?